Detector Dogs, Dynamite Dolphins, and More Animals with Super Sensory Powers
Illustrated by
Meet incredible animals with all kinds of highly developed senses and learn about the jobs they do in this fantastic book full of amazing facts, cool science and exciting activities, from the experts at MIT Kids Press.
Did you know a dog can smell over ten thousand times better than you can? Or that a pigeon can find her way home from up to a thousand miles away? Or even that fish can alert us when our water is contaminated?
From echolocation to electroreception, find out about the super senses animals use to navigate their world - and to accomplish what humans can’t do alone. As you learn about these amazing animals, you will get a chance to test out your own senses with hands-on activities.
You'll be amazed at what you discover in this fact-filled STEM book for curious kids!
Altogether an engaging and enlightening book.Red Reading Hub