Emily Noble's Disgrace
Imprint: Mantle
'A brilliant, original read' - Daily Mail
'Totally absorbing, this is a story that will keep you gripped' - Janice Hadlow, author of The Other Bennet Sister
The case is unexceptional, that is what I know. A house full of stuff left behind by a dead woman, abandoned at the last . . .
When trauma cleaner Essie Pound makes a gruesome discovery...
384 pages
Imprint: Mantle
Paulson-Elis writes with poetry and compassion about the forgotten and overlooked . . . A brilliant, original readDaily Mail
Totally absorbing, this is a story that will keep you gripped through all its unexpected twists and turnsJanice Hadlow, author of The Other Bennet Sister
This book is a swoon and slither of silk with the grit of salt underneath. Mary Paulson-Ellis is a genius at peeling away the layers and slowly, skilfully putting flesh on the bones of an extraordinary, sinuous storySarah Hilary, author of Fragile
SuperbWendy Holden, Daily Mail