Laura Cassidy's Walk of Fame
Imprint: Picador
‘A cracker’ Patrick McCabe
‘An irresistible comedy’ Luke Kennard
Laura Cassidy is going all the way. Hollywood. Starry lights. The Walk of Fame. It’s her destiny. At least, that’s what her movie-obsessed father used to tell her. That was always the plan.
Sure, it’s been a bit slow-going, but the stars have finally aligned. The long-awaited new theatre is about to open, and...
320 pages
Imprint: Picador
A witty and engaging heroine with a Holden Caulfield sensitivity to both phoniness and vulnerability . . . We can’t help but admire her heroic imperviousness to reality. After all, few people in this story aren’t deluded to some extent. But then, who isn’t?Daily Mail
An irreverent comedy, this is an infectious portrayal of brazen optimism which depicts the restorative power of ambition in times of overwhelming emotional turmoil.Irish Times
With cinematic zip and dazzling noir panache, McMonagle is back with a magical cracker, a new novel glistening as its historic sobriquet, ghosting the threadbare auditoria of the world.Patrick McCabe, author of The Butcher Boy
An irresistible comedy of delusion and hope against self-sabotaging hope. Laura Cassidy's Walk of Fame has the frenetic energy and lacerating wit of Donleavy, but with its own trampled soul and pathos, shot through with yearning and thwarted ambition that glitters like an opening night. Compulsively readable, painfully funny.Luke Kennard, author of The Transition