Last Bus to Woodstock
Imprint: Pan
The first intriguing case that began Colin Dexter’s phenomenally successful Inspector Morse series.
‘Do you think I'm wasting your time, Lewis?’
Lewis was nobody’s fool and was a man of some honesty and integrity.
‘Yes, sir.’
An engaging smile crept across Morse’s mouth. He thought they could get on well together . . .
The death of Sylvia Kaye figured dramatically in Thursday afternoon’s edition...
320 pages
Imprint: Pan
Traditional crime writing at its best; the kind of book without which no armchair is completeThe Sunday Times
No one constructs a whodunit with more fiendish skill than Colin DexterThe Guardian
Dexter has created a giant among fictional detectivesThe Times
The writing is highly intelligent, the atmosphere melancholy, the effect hauntingThe Daily Telegraph