Marriages Are Made in Bond Street
Imprint: Pan
In the spring of 1939, with the Second World War looming, two determined twenty-four-year-olds, Heather Jenner and Mary Oliver, decided to open a marriage bureau. They found a tiny office on London's Bond Street and set about the delicate business of match-making. Drawing on the bureau's extensive archives, Penrose Halson - who many years later found herself the...
368 pages
Imprint: Pan
The makers of Call The Midwife need look no further for their next television project.Daily Mail
I thought this was going to be a frivolous romp through the frolicks of wartime matchmaking and, indeed, it is a book full of charm and hilarity, written in a no-nonsense style by an accomplished writer and storyteller, but it adds up to far more than that.Country Life
Glimpse into the matchmaking world of 1940s London with this delightful book.New Day
An absorbing story . . . the book crackles with insights into the mores of those times.Mail on Sunday