Children's Books

1578 books available
  1. Book cover for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carousel Book

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carousel Book

    Lewis Carroll

  2. Book cover for Wolves


    Emily Gravett

  3. Book cover for The Amazing Adventures of Freddie Whitemouse

    The Amazing Adventures of Freddie Whitemouse

    Elizabeth Jane Howard

  4. Book cover for The Story of Holly and Ivy

    The Story of Holly and Ivy

    Rumer Godden

    Christian Birmingham

  5. Book cover for The Fairy Doll

    The Fairy Doll

    Rumer Godden

    Gary Blythe

  6. Book cover for Scary Stories for 7 Year Olds

    Scary Stories for 7 Year Olds

    Helen Paiba

  7. Book cover for Grimms' Fairy Tales

    Grimms' Fairy Tales

    The Brothers Grimm

  8. Book cover for The Christmas Bear

    The Christmas Bear

    Ian Whybrow

    Axel Scheffler

  9. Book cover for The Thing about Jellyfish

    The Thing about Jellyfish

    Ali Benjamin

  10. Book cover for UnpOppable


    Tim Hopgood

  11. Book cover for Dinostars and the Cackling Cave Creature

    Dinostars and the Cackling Cave Creature

    Ben Mantle

  12. Book cover for Kingfisher Readers: Record Breakers - The Fastest (Level 5: Reading Fluently)

    Kingfisher Readers: Record Breakers - The Fastest (Level 5: Reading Fluently)

    Brenda Stones

  13. Book cover for Explorers: Dinosaurs

    Explorers: Dinosaurs

    Dougal Dixon

  14. Book cover for The Worst Children's Jobs in History

    The Worst Children's Jobs in History

    Sir Tony Robinson

  15. Book cover for Kim


    Rudyard Kipling

  16. Book cover for The Magic Looking Glass

    The Magic Looking Glass

    Tom Percival

  17. Book cover for A Poem for Every Night of the Year

    A Poem for Every Night of the Year

    Allie Esiri

    Papio Press

  18. Book cover for Magical Stories for 6 year olds

    Magical Stories for 6 year olds

    Helen Paiba

  19. Book cover for Magical Stories for 5 Year Olds

    Magical Stories for 5 Year Olds

    Helen Paiba

  20. Book cover for Amazing Abby: Drama Queen

    Amazing Abby: Drama Queen

    Emma Moss

  21. Book cover for Fire Witch

    Fire Witch

    Matt Ralphs

  22. Book cover for 100 Brilliant Poems For Children

    100 Brilliant Poems For Children

    Paul Cookson

  23. Book cover for Meerkat Mail

    Meerkat Mail

    Emily Gravett

  24. Book cover for The Odd Egg

    The Odd Egg

    Emily Gravett

  25. Book cover for Again!


    Emily Gravett

  26. Book cover for Just So Stories

    Just So Stories

    Rudyard Kipling

  27. Book cover for The Jungle Book

    The Jungle Book

    Rudyard Kipling

  28. Book cover for The What the Ladybird Heard Play

    The What the Ladybird Heard Play

    Julia Donaldson

    Lydia Monks

  29. Book cover for The Genie's Curse

    The Genie's Curse

    Tom Percival

  30. Book cover for Crusade


    Elizabeth Laird

  31. Book cover for Little Red Riding Hood

    Little Red Riding Hood

    Natascha Rosenberg

  32. Book cover for Jack and the Beanstalk

    Jack and the Beanstalk

    Natascha Rosenberg

    Campbell Books

  33. Book cover for Scavenger: Mind Warp

    Scavenger: Mind Warp

    Paul Stewart

    Chris Riddell

  34. Book cover for The Water-Babies

    The Water-Babies

    Charles Kingsley

  35. Book cover for Rani's Sea Spell

    Rani's Sea Spell

    Gwyneth Rees

  36. Book cover for Through the Looking Glass Little Folks Edition

    Through the Looking Glass Little Folks Edition

    Lewis Carroll

    Sir John Tenniel

  37. Book cover for Peter Pan

    Peter Pan

    J. M. Barrie

  38. Book cover for My Teacher is a Monster! (No, I am not)

    My Teacher is a Monster! (No, I am not)

    Peter Brown

  39. Book cover for A Thousand Nights

    A Thousand Nights


  40. Book cover for Voyage to Magical North

    Voyage to Magical North

    Claire Fayers