Teen & Young Adult Fiction
284 books available
Sara Barnard
Holly Bourne
Tanya Byrne
Non Pratt
Melinda Salisbury
Lisa Williamson
Eleanor Wood
Everything All at Once
Steven Camden
Wild Blue Wonder
Carlie Sorosiak
Boy Meets Hamster
Birdie Milano
Ash Princess
Laura Sebastian
Eat Dirt
Goldy Moldavsky
If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say
Leila Sales
A Skinful of Shadows
Frances Hardinge
Brendan Reichs
Out of the Blue
Sophie Cameron
The Lie Tree
Frances Hardinge
Cuckoo Song
Frances Hardinge
Children of Blood and Bone
Tomi Adeyemi
Fly By Night
Frances Hardinge
Twilight Robbery
Frances Hardinge
A Face Like Glass
Frances Hardinge
Gullstruck Island
Frances Hardinge
There's Someone Inside Your House
Stephanie Perkins
One Dark Throne
Kendare Blake
I Capture the Castle
Dodie Smith
Tarnished City
Vic James
Alex and Eliza
Melissa de la Cruz
Julie Bertagna
Kingdom of Sleep
Brendan Reichs
Alex Scarrow
Who Runs the World?
Virginia Bergin
Jennifer E. Smith
Becoming Betty
Eleanor Wood
The State of Grace
Rachael Lucas
Heaven's Net is Wide
Lian Hearn
The Harsh Cry of the Heron
Lian Hearn
The Challenge
Tom Hoyle
Marissa Meyer
Kiss Cam
Kiara London
Susan Dennard
Across the Nightingale Floor
Lian Hearn
Grass for His Pillow
Lian Hearn
Brilliance of the Moon
Lian Hearn
Kanin: The Complete Chronicles
Amanda Hocking