South African Books
248 books available
Brooding Clouds
Phaswane Mpe
A Daughter's Legacy
Pamphilia Hlapa
Dying in New York
Ekow Duker
Fanie Fourie's Lobola
Nape 'a Motana
I Speak to the Silent
Mtutuzeli Nyoka
The Joburg Book
Perfect Hlongwane
The Missing Piece
Kevin Lings
Small Things
Nthikeng Mohlele
Still An Inconvenient Youth
Fiona Forde
When A Man Cries
Siphiwo Mahala
White Wahala
Ekow Duker
Why States Recover
Greg Mills
I'm Not Your Weekend Special
Notes from a Headmaster's Desk
Marc Falconer
Imperfect Solo
Steven Sidley
Into the Past
Phillip Valentine Tobias
My Second Initiation
Vusi Pikoli
Mandy Wiener
The 30th Candle
Angela Makholwa
Back to the Bush
James Hendry
Last Summer
Craig Higginson
The Things that Could Not be Said
Frank Chikane
Are Trout South African?
Duncan Brown
A Hill of Fools
Mtutuzeli Nyoka
Strange Pilgrimages
Achmat Dangor
What Dawid Knew
Patricia Glyn
When Hope and History Rhyme
Amina Cachalia
In My Arrogant Opinion
Khaya Dlanga
It Feels Wrong to Laugh, But…
Anele Mdoda
Strikes Have Followed Me All My Life
Emma Mashinini
No Time Like The Present
Nadine Gordimer
Steven Sidley
The Steve Biko Memorial Lectures
Advocates for Change
Solomon's Story
Judy Froman
Killing Kebble
Mandy Wiener
Paper Sons and Daughters
Ufrieda Ho
Eggs to Lay, Chickens to Hatch
Chris van Wyk
Fighting For Justice
Jay Naidoo
Ways of Staying
Kevin Bloom